Asbestos in Imported Model engines

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have issued a product safety warning after asbestos was found in model aircraft engines being imported...

Asbestos Registers For Those Who Need A Refresher

Asbestos Registers for Workplaces A person with management or control of a workplace must ensure asbestos at the workplace is identified by a competent person, the location of asbestos is clearly indicated and recorded in a register and have a written asbestos...

Qld Division WH & S Penalties websites

For those who want to see what type of investigations and penalties the Queensland Division of Workplace Health and Safety are carrying out in regard to asbestos these may be of interest-...

Asbestos Management Excuses

A PCBU “must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that all asbestos or ACM at the workplace is identified by a competent person or assume its presence” also “must, where asbestos has been identified at the workplace, ensure an asbestos management plan is...

Asbestos In Electrical Boxes

Most people still aren’t aware of the fact that asbestos was frequently used in older-style electrical fuse and meter boxes. For example, electrical backing boards were manufactured containing asbestos as a fire retardant and to resist electrical arcing. Common...